One of three singers to appear on the red carpet before the i.t Spring/Summer 2015 runway show at Hong Kong Fashion Week, Mag Lam (林欣彤) promoted i.t.’s most playful label, Mini Cream, alongside colleagues Alfred Hui (許廷鏗) and Jay Fung (馮允謙).

Lam wore the following pieces, both on the red carpet and on the runway at the end of the i.t show:
1) Mini Cream white baseball jacket (retail: HK$699 or US$90)
2) Mini Cream black color sports bra (HK$299 or US$39)
3) Mini Cream black short skirt (HK$499 or US$64)
4) Mini Cream black & white patterned short socks (HK$99 or US$13)
5) Mini Cream black, thick-soled sneakers (HK$899 or US$116)

Mai D. Chan contributed to this report.